A logo for white sulphur springs ranch mohawk valley stewardship council
A black and white drawing of a headset with a microphone.

A sponsorship with historic White Sulphur Springs Ranch (WSSR) enables you to leverage your generous donation with the outstanding recognition WSSR brings to the community, and help you achieve your business goals and marketing objectives.  Through the outstanding work of our dedicated volunteers, WSSR is recognized throughout Northern California as an exemplary 501c3 non-profit with solid community goals that continue to move the organization forward each year.

Becoming a sponsor of WSSR brings with it the knowledge that you're part of a team working to restore this historic ranch for the benefit of our community, our schools, and our disabled children and disabled veterans.

Our tiered sponsorship program offers support levels for everyone.  Please complete the "Contact Us" form if you are interested and someone will get back to you right away.

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