He was a frequent visitor at the Mohawk Community Resource Center (MCRC) in Blairsden. He enjoyed the library and some of the other conveniences. As it is for so many residents of Eastern Plumas County, the resource center is a familiar and important community meeting place. In the course of his many visits, he got to know the MCRC coordinator, Holly Johnson. After a while and many conversations later, Holly realized that this guy had an important story to tell. He was a senior citizen, a longtime resident of Graeagle, and a part of the history of Plumas County.
Paul Bianco’s grandfather came to Ellis Island from Italy in 1917, probably to escape the world war that was destroying Europe. Paul’s father was a World War II naval veteran and Paul was born in San Francisco in 1946. He was in his late 30’s, on a long horseback ride on the Pacific Crest Trail in 1985 when he stopped for a while in Graeagle. In his words he was “overwhelmed” by the appearance and ambiance of the community. He saw an impressive looking gent that was striding through the park. The guy stopped to pick up a piece of trash and put it in his pocket. Paul decided then and there that he wanted to be a part of this community. He found out later that the impressive stranger was Harvey West.
Paul stopped at the Graeagle Stables to ask for a job. Both the horses and the grounds were in terrible shape. He offered to work at the stables in order to improve the conditions and establish himself in the community, knowing that someday he would own the business. After less than two years working as a wrangler, he made the right offer to buy and become the new owner. The next ten years saw a great improvement in the stables. Paul worked hard to make the customer’s experience something special. One of the most popular trips was a ride and an overnight at the then, bed and breakfast Inn, White Sulphur Springs Ranch. Paul had turned the dilapidated Graeagle Stables he found in 1985 into a successful tourist attraction and an important chapter in the history of the White Sulphur Springs Ranch. The Board of Directors of the Ranch has donated a legacy brick to honor Paul’s connection to the Ranch. The inscription reads “Paul Bianco, Graeagle Stables 1985 – 1995”. This brick on the grounds of the historic Ranch will ensure that he will not be forgotten in the community he so dearly loved.