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Laying Perforated Pipe in Tier 1 of the Drain Field

20 June 2021

Early this December, the long-awaited leach field that will provide service to all facilities at White Sulphur Springs Ranch (WSSR) was completed. The work was done under the watchful eye of Project Manager Kent Hanford and Project Engineer, Richard Short who donated their time to coordinate and manage each phase of this important project. Richard Short donated the design work for the leach field and septic system that has been designed to handle all facilities at WSSR. Work still needs to be done to connect the leach filed to the pool area, house and other planned facilities on the ranch, but completing the leach field is a huge step forward in the progress that must be made to begin grading and additional work in the spring of 2017.

Work began on the leach field in November when Jim West Tree Services cleared trees from the leach field site and the 1800-foot long path for the pipeline from the leach field to the pool area. Jim West has been a long-time supporter or WSSR and once again donated much of his time and equipment to complete this phase of the project.
The list of materials needed to install this commercial leach field and septic system was significant. Western Nevada Supply, a great supporter of WSSR with a long history of community involvement, agreed to donate all the plumbing related materials for this project. Our thanks to Christine Hogan, Andrew Siderius and Rod Smith for making this donation possible.

Installation of the leach field was done by Rick Joy Engineering and foreman Jim Berg in early December. Rick Joy, who is another great supporter of WSSR and a very benevolent person in his own right, agreed to donate installation of the leach field. The project took about two weeks and was done under difficult weather conditions on some days, but as the picture above illustrates, that did not compromise the quality of the work that was done. According to Project Manager, Kent Hanford and Project Engineer, Richard Short, Rick Joy Engineering made every effort to ensure we were satisfied with the progress of the work from day one. His team of workers, supervised by foreman Jim Berg, were very professional and their work was of the highest quality.

I must say that this is what “community” is all about. Members of the community coming together and donating their time and money to support this worthwhile community project called, White Sulphur Springs Ranch, is simply heartwarming.

While there are many volunteers that have worked hard to get us to this point and who certainly deserve our thanks, I would encourage everyone who looks forward to the day when WSSR is ready to open, to please take the time this Christmas season to say thank you to those who have helped us complete this phase of the restoration, for without their help this simply could not be accomplished.

Merry Christmas

White Sulphur Springs Ranch

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