A legacy brick is a concrete casting in the shape of a brick that contains a sentiment, tribute or greeting from the buyer and is laid in a prominent place on the grounds of the White Sulphur Springs Ranch (WSSR). On Friday, October 15, a new shipment was laid in place by a crew of Mohawk Valley Stewardship Council (MVSC) volunteers.
In 2016 a new fundraising campaign was started by the MVSC. The campaign slogan was “Build a legacy, brick buy brick.” One hundred bricks were received in 2016 and laid in place outside the north entrance of the old ranch house. Another 100 bricks were just received and have already been installed. The location of all the bricks received so far is temporary. They will be moved to a permanent location when the landscaping plan for the entire ranch is complete.
Covid-19 has dealt a serious blow to the fundraising activities of the MVSC. The sale of Legacy Bricks has become an important contributor to the restoration efforts at the WSSR.
Bricks can be ordered from this website by clicking "Order My Brick Now" or by filling out a brochure located near the brick display at the ranch, or by contacting membership chairwoman, Janet Reihsen either online at jreihsen@earthlink.net , or by calling her at 530-836-2495. The MVSC is non-profit so brick purchases are tax deductible.
Personal tours of the newly decorated ranch house and the brick display site are available by appointment. Call Judy Porep-Lullo at 530-836-0254. Watch for a fall membership campaign with mailings beginning on November 1.
Laying the new bricks
L to R, Carolyn Blom, Nancy Meyers Janet Reihsen, John Barker, Judy Porep-Lullo, Dink Rife, Linda Cooley and Dave Rife.
Brick Committee Chair Janet Reihsen