A logo for white sulphur springs ranch mohawk valley stewardship council
A black and white drawing of a headset with a microphone.

New Face on an Old Friend

John Lullo • 15 February 2023

In September of 2021 the front porch of the old house at White Sulphur Springs Ranch (WSSR) began to get a facelift that had been planned for years. Motorists traveling on Highway 89 near the entrance to the Mohawk Valley saw the improvements progress day by day.  Each time they passed the historic ranch site, the front face of the house looked a little different….a little better.

In February and March of last year volunteers John Barker and Don Maddelena made significant progress. All of the structural rebuilding was completed and approved by the County. Some of the original 140 year old balusters had been restored. New ones were made to match. Skirting and hand rails had not been seen on the old ranch house since they were destroyed in 2008. Great pains were taken to restore the original character of the historic ranch house. 

It was designated an historic structure in the 1983 Plumas County general plan. In spite of this the old house was in the process of being dismantled in 2008 when the community took notice and started the campaign to save what was left of the historic site. The Mohawk Valley Stewardship Council (MVSC) was formed in 2009 and the restoration began. Community members who would like to be a part of this effort should call
Judy Porep-Lullo at 530-836-0254.

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    Christmas 2022

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    John Barker and Don Maddelena working on restoration

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    Ranch House 2008


White Sulphur Springs Ranch

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