A logo for white sulphur springs ranch mohawk valley stewardship council
A black and white drawing of a headset with a microphone.


John Lullo • 25 June 2020

The old ranch house at White Sulphur Springs Ranch has received some wonderful period furniture from generous donors interested in preserving the original interior look. The old structure was built in 1852 and has survived some serious and sometimes careless, remodeling down through the years. However, Mohawk Valley Stewardship Council (MVSC) volunteers have started to bring it back to life. There is a living room, dining room kitchen and bath on the first floor plus five more rooms and a bath upstairs. All these rooms have furniture, wall hangings and photos, donated from collections from as far back as the late 1800’s. Since June of 2019, heirloom items such as chandeliers, a roll top desk, a hand braided rug and brass candlesticks, have been received. 
MVSC volunteers are very proud of how the interior of the old ranch house has been restored; so much so that they invite interested individuals to experience a personal tour. Membership chairperson, Janet Reihsen and/or volunteer coordinator Judy Porep-Lullo, are available to guide these tours on request, and by appointment. Call Janet at 530-836-2495, or Judy at 530-836-0254, to set up a time and date.
The MVSC continues to bring White Sulphur Springs Ranch back to where it belongs….an historic monument to the early days of Plumas County and the Mohawk Valley.

Photo Captions
Volunteer Chairwoman Judy Porep-Lullo stands behind the two vintage couches delivered to the ranch house by Mary Davey, manager of the O’Gara-Hayes house in Sierra City. These two pieces belonged to the Hayes family, who bought the Sierra Buttes Mine in Sierra City in 1899.

The upstairs nursery room at the old Ranch House complete with antique white iron crib and wicker bassinet previously owned by the Ghirardelli family of San Francisco.
The restored living room on the main floor of the old house at White Sulphur Springs Ranch reminds of the late 1800’s thanks to donations by local patrons.

White Sulphur Springs Ranch

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