The pandemic has slowed but not stopped Mohawk Valley Stewardship Council (MVSC) volunteers from the ongoing job of rehabilitation of the old ranch house. On Wednesday, July 15, fifty four of the original balusters were painted in a homemade assembly line operation. It took a lot of repair to get the balusters ready for painting. It was important that no reproductions but only the original pieces were used so volunteer Robert Ware glued, sanded and reassembled each of the hundred year old railing supports. They will soon be installed on the North and South porches of the ranch house.
Covid-19 has dealt a serious blow to the fundraising efforts of the MVSC. Both Summerfest and the rummage sale had to be canceled to protect the volunteers and the public. The Board of Directors is asking the public to support membership drives and contribute directly to the MVSC when possible, so that basic expenses can be covered. The MVSC is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization so contributions are tax deductible. The mailing address is P.O. Box 25, Clio, CA, 96106-0025